Sunday, March 14, 2010

Western Springs is 125 years old in 2011

Next year Western Springs will turn 125 years old and The Village plans to have a massive celebration.

They are currently assembling a committee to plan the birthday party. These are the type of events that really give a town its character so if you have the time and the talent to commit to making this a great event, I suggest you contact the Village and get on this committee.

Imagine if Martha Stewart lived in Western Springs and was on this committee. Do you think we'd have a great birthday party? We would. Is Martha Stewart better at this than you? Probably. But I bet there are a few event planning ringers somewhere in Western Springs and you're the people The Village needs.

To get on this committee contact Ingrid Velkme or Janet Dahl by email or call The Village 246-1800 x 125.

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