Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Number of single family homes on the market in Western Springs on Dec. 27th

Most of you guessed too high. The actual number that were available on Dec. 27th was 69. There was only one guess under that number. Mitch Johnson guessed 67. Let me know where I can drop your prize off. Linda Hanley Kelly, 708-334-5356


  1. Are your sure you have all the single family homes on the market in WS on your list? I have 75 in my spread sheet, including a number of "For Sale" by owner.

  2. Were you including the For Sale by Owners?

  3. No I was just counting the ones on the MLS that were actively available.

  4. So you posted the wrong answer to your question, "number of single family homes on the market in western springs on Dec 27th." Interesting.

  5. I should have been specific that it was homes on the market with the MLS. I did not even think about the for sale by owners.

  6. My guess the other poster is a lawyer (probably a frustrated one)...no one else would nit-pick your contest at that. Nevermind them.
